The Premier Glove Holder is a pioneering product in its category. Unlike Any Other! Number One by design, convenient, effective for golfers. A two-sided hook and loop nylon pad attaches (semi-permanent) to any golf bag a secure place for your gloves while playing. After playing let gloves Rest on the Premier Glove Holder.
Expeience no more lost, misplaced glove - Distraction.
The Exclusive Premier Glove Holder
Discover the Premier Glove Holder experience. The mental part of playing golf can change in a split second. Keeping our thoughts focused on the job at hand is the challenge.
Experience the improvement in Confidence with the Premier Glove Holder on your bag:
It is semi-permanent attached to bag in same place all the time
It is two-sided will hold multiple gloves
Glove is always ready on Demand for Good Grip
Natural airing and drying prolongs usefulness of gloves
Leave gloves resting on glove holder after round
After a couple of rounds, you will automatically put your glove on the glove holder or remove it while at the bag without even thinking about it. Your comfort and confidence levels will become second nature with No Glove Distraction!
Baseball / Softball
Elevate your marketing game with an innovative golf product that breaks the mold! Introduce your customers to an exciting new way to advertise globally every time it hits the golf course. This unique promotional gift is perfect for charity and business, standing out as a one-of-a-kind item that’s unlike anything else on market!
"Put some LUCK OF THE IRISH on your bag"!
US Patents 9,216,342 -- 10,667598
Dry-It Golf Glove System LLC are sponsors of the YMCA
First Tee of Lakeland. We provide products worthy of
your business. Suitable and functional for your customers.
Our Glove Holder fulfills the original purpose but provides additional benefits noted below:
Is the New gift idea for golf events
Great promotional item for tee bag
Charity events – Inquire about donation back to charity on sales
Corporate customers, personalize the PGH and make it an Innovative Marketing tool for you.
Worthy of investment